How old do you have to be to start HRT in Georgia?

The age at which a person can start hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in Georgia depends on several factors. Generally speaking, there is no set minimum age for starting HRT under Georgia law. However, most doctors will want a patient to meet certain criteria before prescribing hormone medications.
When determining if a patient is a suitable candidate for HRT, healthcare providers consider:

For adolescents and teens interested in hormone therapy, additional considerations come into play:

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) provides clinical guidance on treating gender dysphoria. Their latest Standards of Care guidelines advise:

However, providers have discretion to prescribe hormones "off-label" earlier if such care is warranted in their clinical judgement for a patient.

Additional Requirements for Minors

For a minor (under age 18) to begin HRT in Georgia, they typically must:

These requirements may be waived or modified on a case-by-case basis by care providers based on clinical need and urgency to alleviate dysphoria. Some youth may undergo court proceedings to be legally emancipated from parents if needed to start hormones without parental consent.

Finding Transgender-Friendly Healthcare

Locating knowledgeable, respectful medical and mental health professionals can pose challenges for Georgia's transgender community.

When seeking out transgender care resources in the state, good places to start include:

We highly recommend Optimal Hormone Wellness Center Therapy Clinic](/) for HRT services. Dr. S. Hess specializes in transgender medicine and customizes treatment plans for both youth and adults. Convenient online and Atlanta appointments available.


While no explicit age minimum for HRT exists in Georgia, most adolescents have to clear additional hurdles to begin hormones versus adult patients. However, the decision ultimately comes down to the discretion of healthcare providers treating gender dysphoria on a case-by-case basis. Supportive parents/guardians and access to transgender-competent providers also play a key role.

Meeting clinical guidelines for gender dysphoria diagnosis plus demonstrating maturity and medical decision-making capacity can enable motivated, well-informed teens to start feminizing or masculinizing HRT regimens around ages 14-16 in Georgia.

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